4 Ways to avoid risk when buying property this Winter

4 Ways to avoid risk when buying property this Winter It may be a buyer’s market, but when property prices are falling, buyer confidence often goes with it. However, the possibility of paying too much is not the only risk a home buyer or property investor can face when market conditions are undergoing significant change, as they are now. In this article, we outline some of the other potential pit-falls…

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What does a ‘buyer’s market’ mean for you?

What does a ‘buyer’s market’ mean for you? Some property market analysts are predicting average national home values could fall by 11 per cent in 2019 – and say home values in some suburbs of Melbourne and Sydney have already fallen by more than 7 per cent since they reached their peak in late 2017.  Whilst this may seem like gloom and doom to some people, all over the country…

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